Announcement 3/13/2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Following the recommendations of various health authorities, and following the lead of the local Eugene school district 4J which has cancelled school for the next two weeks, we have decided to temporarily suspend all in-person church services and activities at the Eugene Chinese Christian Church, starting immediately. We will continue to prepare and provide Sunday messages, which we will video stream live Sunday mornings at 10:30am the church’s Facebook page. Please join us then! Some Bible study groups will continue to meet online (contact your group leader), and as always, we will continue to encourage and pray for each other. Please continue to share your needs with the church leadership!

根據各方衛生組織的建議,尤金公立學校已經決定停課兩周。教會也決定從善如流,即日起暫停主日崇拜和其他聚會。我們仍然會繼續預備主日證道,讓弟兄姐妹在網上聚會。每主日早上10:30 在教會臉書群組上現場直播。歡迎弟兄姐妹參加。一些查經小組會用網路會議的方式進行查經(詳情請向小組長查詢)。讓我們繼續彼此代禱,彼此鼓勵。若您需要任何幫助,請聯絡領導同工們。

Please regularly check for information and news on the church Facebook page. We will announce in the future when in-person services will resume.


Tonight we will post a short video message with encouragement and news on the church Facebook page.


To play streaming video, go to , and click the link that will be there when the time comes. People can also scan the QR code to get to the Facebook page. The video that is streamed will be saved on Facebook, and can be played again at later times.


Brothers and sisters, what a wonderful fellowship we have, and we praise God that he provided such a group of believers in these circumstances! What a blessing that God has prepared such a rich provision for us, and such unity of love at just this time!


6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. –Philippians 4:6-7

腓 4:6-7



In Christ,


The church leadership group
