Dear Brothers and Sisters of ECCC,
Recently there have been a number of Chinese people who do not reside in Eugene requesting to join our FB group page. With investigation we found that they are a cult and are trying to lure Christians online to listen to their teachings through meetings via Skype or Messenger.
近來有一些不住在尤金的華人試圖加入我們教會的臉書群組。經過調查後發現他們是異端,專門在臉書上引誘基督徒透過 Skype 和 Messenger 去聽他們的異端教導。
Their false teachings include:
- 1. God is always doing new things, so we should not stick to what happened as recorded in the Bible and should be opened to receive things we have never seen before.
- 2. Parts of the Bible were recorded words of human beings, and are therefore not considered the word of God. Since God does new things all the time, there is no need to resort to the Bible as our authority.
- 3. When Jesus comes again, he will come as an inconspicuous human being and will not perform any miracles. We need to identify him through his new teachings.
- 4. Anyone who does not receive the new teachings and new work of God cannot enjoy God’s presence and blessings.
- 上帝是做新事的神,所以我們不要拘泥於聖經裡的話。要開放接受沒看過的,上帝新的作為。
- 聖經裡面有很大部分是人說的話,所以不是上帝的話。既然上帝常做新事,我們不需要以聖經為權威基礎。
- 耶穌再來的時候會隱秘的來,所以他會是一個普通人,也不會有神跡奇事,我們要透過他的教導來認出他。
- 任何不接受新工作的人根本沒有神的同在,得不到祝福和保守。
The Leadership Team wants to advise brothers and sisters not to add anyone you don’t know via Facebook or other platforms. If anyone you don’t know invites you to listen to any online sermon, do discern what you are hearing and talk to your group leaders if you have any questions/concerns.
Stay healthy
ECCC Leadership Team