Audios 2015′ Recorded Messages Audio April 11, 2016 What are you thinking (這些事你們都要思念)"God" "like" (神, 讚!!)Perfection (基督徒完美主義者)We are the masterpiece of God (我們是上帝的杰作)Become HolyDisvover Creation靈修, 靈命和靈性學Are you doing Diligence (殷勤)called to couragePassion and Restraint創新不竭, 能言善辯作真正誠信的人Church of excellence: fidelity (成為卓越的教會: 忠誠)Jesus The King (君王耶穌)there has got to be more to thisWisdom from above (求祢賜我智慧)grace (恩典)Called to Humility (叫為謙卑)The Solo Chrisian (獨自飛翔的基督徒)mother (母親)Love without FearTomorrow and Forevermore - Our Future TogetherTemporary and EerniyGeneration and GenerationJun. 14, 2015Jun. 21, 2015From homeless to going homeIs money importantJul. 19, 2015Honor your parentsSex and MarrigeJesus's Missionary Prayercreation care: finding the balancepolitical correct vs convictionThe all new "U"Social MediaSep. 20, 2015A Trustworthy VoiceLiving Peaceful And Quie Livesthe qualiy of a leadersOct. 18, 2015Oct. 25, 2015Nov. 1, 2015How can I live for myselfdeath and liveHow not to be a phariseeNov. 29, 2015If Jesus appeared to YouWhat do you hope for?The Light of Life Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)